Hofer - Liebl - Specialists



State-of-the-art diagnostics as the basis for individual, precise treatment

Diseases of the rectum can appear in many different ways. Most people have heard of hemorrhoids before. Coccyx fistulas, anal fistulas or anal thromboses, on the other hand, are not so well known. They all cause anus discomfort and can be very unpleasant for patients. The good news: As a rule, these diseases can be treated quite quickly and easily. In our proctological practice we have a lot of experience with these symptoms and can usually treat them on an outpatient basis.

If surgery is unavoidable, we have all the options for outpatient surgery, whether with local or tumescent anaesthesia in the practice or with general or regional anaesthesia in the outpatient surgery centre.

anal fissure

The anal fissure is an elongated tear in the mucous membrane of the anal canal and is therefore also called anal fissure. An acute anal fissure usually heals by itself. If there is a chronic anal fissure, times without symptoms alternate with times when the symptoms recur.

anal fistula

The term fistula is generally used to describe a tubular duct that has developed as a result of a disease process. An anal fistula has an inner opening in the rectum or anal canal and usually also an outer opening in the area of the skin around the anus. It is therefore a kind of tunnel from the inside to the outside.

anal thrombosis

In contrast to deep vein thrombosis (DVT), vascular blockage in analthrombosis is not life-threatening because the clotted blood is not washed into other vessels (embolism). In many cases a treatment is not necessary at all and waiting and observing can already be the best therapy.


Haemorrhoids (Greek = blood flow) are erectile tissues and are located on the outer part of the intestine, near the anus. Every human being has this well supplied with blood, ring-shaped tissue cushion - also called haemorrhoidal network. It has a very important task: the sealing of the intestine to the outside.

Unwanted hairiness

Coccyx fistulas are often caused by ingrown hairs or hairs that fall off the body and are massaged in by the movements of the buttocks. A preventative measure to prevent the condition from developing in the first place is permanent hair removal in the buttock area using the diode hair removal system.